Curriculum Vitae
2024/2026 - Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Strasbourg
2020/2023 - PhD Student at Ircam and Sorbonne University
2018/2019 - Master Degree ATIAM at Ircam
2016/2020 - École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay in Mathematics
Grants and Fellowships
Awarded a Grant From the CNC (French National Center for Cinematography), for the call for projects “Knowledge & Cultures”. Led the development of the science outreach project “Geometry of Music”.
Awarded a Grant From the French Ministry of Culture, for the call for projects “Research in Music”. Led the development of the science project “Theoretical Research and Algorithmic Composition”.
AFIM Young Researcher Award. Awarded for the best paper and presentation at the JIM 2020 conference.
Teaching at Sorbonne University
2023 - Mathematics for Music Research, Master’s Level (2h)
2022 - Mathematics for Science Education, Bachelor’s Level (52h)
2022 - Mathematics for Music Research, Master’s Level (2h)
2021 - Linear and Bilinear Algebra, Bachelor’s Level (36h)
2021 - Differential Equations, Bachelor’s Level (36h)
2020 - Linear and Bilinear Algebra, Bachelor’s Level (72h)